Teacher Testimonials

The passion and devotion Malcolm Mitchell and Share the Magic Foundation puts into supporting children's literacy is inspiring. I can't wait to participate in future challenges and continue to use Malcolm's message to inspire my students.
I received messages from parents claiming that their child came home from school wanting to read more and were picking up books instead of pursuing other non-academic activities. Seeing this enthusiasm at home parents asked for more challenges in the future.
I had so many students asking for extra reading time: at recess, at lunch, before and after school. READBowl motivated students to read like nothing I have ever seen before.
For my students, knowing a “real life football player” who struggled to read as a kid, but still followed his dream and wrote his own book, was so inspiring. Every mention on Facebook and Twitter, my students became even more motivated to read and succeed.
The enthusiasm transgressed subject matter through writing, math, art and communication skills. The passion for reading didn’t stop at the end of the challenge, but rather has continued to the present and Malcolm continues to be brought up in class discussion frequently.
Most of my class moved up one guided reading level during READBowl 2020!
My class Average STAR Benchmark Score jumped more than 200 points during this competition.
I had four students who went up 3 levels on their benchmarks!
Students who were reluctant to read were actually asking to read for the 1st time!
When we started READ Bowl it was about football and as we continued week after week it changed. It became about sharing books with friends and before I knew it kids were begging me to allow more time to read!! I had a child come up to me and tell me “I can’t wait to write a book just like Malcolm!” It’s not just about football it’s about so much more.
This was the spark we needed to get them to realize the power and joy of reading.